

The Essence of Tuscany: from its origins to the Etruscan preponderance

Tuscany is a land of inestimable historical and cultural value, witness to the passage of millenary civilisations. From the first Paleolithic settlements, the region was the cradle of the Villanovan civilization and subsequently the dominion of the Etruscans, an advanced and mysterious people whose necropolises and artefacts still fascinate the world today.

With the fall of the Etruscans, Tuscany came under Roman control, becoming a crucial supplier of raw materials to the Empire. Dark centuries followed, with the succession of Ostrogoths, Byzantines and Lombards, until the arrival of Charlemagne who included the region in the Holy Roman Empire.

The Tuscan Renaissance was a period of exceptional cultural ferment, with Florence at the center of a movement that would revolutionize art, philosophy and science. Personalities such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Lorenzo de' Medici made Tuscany the beating heart of world culture.

In the heat of the Risorgimento, Tuscany played a key role in the unification of Italy, with Florence temporarily becoming the capital of the Kingdom. This historical phase strengthened the Tuscan identity within the new Italian nation.

UNESCO heritage and historical monuments: the timeless beauty of Tuscany

Florence, with its historic center recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, represents the artistic heart of Tuscany. Monuments such as the Duomo, the Baptistery and Palazzo Pitti narrate centuries of history and human creativity, making the region an open-air museum without equal.

The Tuscan food and wine identity: a journey into authentic flavours

Tuscan cuisine, with its simple but tasty recipes, has its roots in Etruscan history and the culinary legacy of the Medici. A tradition that sees unsalted bread and olive oil as the undisputed protagonists of a table that celebrates the authenticity of its ingredients.

Food and wine festivals and celebrations: an immersion in Tuscan flavours

Tuscany celebrates its typical products with festivals and festivals which, from Marradi to Montepulciano, offer the opportunity to discover and savor local excellence. From truffles to porcini mushrooms, every event is an opportunity to celebrate the gastronomic richness of this land.

Traditions and Festivities: the Tuscan calendar full of events

From the iconic Palio di Siena to the historical re-enactments that animate the squares throughout the region, Tuscany lives all year round in the name of tradition. Events such as the Calcio Storico Fiorentino and the Giostra del Saracino are just some examples of how the past and present meet in unique festivities.

Tuscany today: demographic and geographical data

With around 3.7 million inhabitants and a territory that ranges from mountains to splendid coastal stretches, Tuscany is a region of extraordinary landscape and cultural diversity. A place where history, art, nature and gastronomy blend into a harmonious and fascinating whole.