

The prehistoric legacy of Puglia

The history of Puglia has ancient roots, dating back to approximately 250,000 years ago with the presence of Homo neanderthalensis in Altamura. The region, originally inhabited by Illyrian populations such as the Iapygians, the Daunians and the Messapians, saw the arrival of the Greeks who founded important cities such as Taranto, enriching the cultural fabric of the land.

From the Roman occupation to the Middle Ages

With the beginning of Roman occupation in the 3rd century BC, Puglia experienced an era of economic prosperity. Centuries of various dominations followed: Byzantines, Lombards, Franks and finally the Normans, who from the 11th to the 13th century stimulated trade and agriculture, giving a strong boost to regional development.

Historical vicissitudes: from the Angevins to the Bourbons

After the Norman era, Puglia came under the control of the Angevins, Aragonese and, subsequently, the Bourbons. The latter, focusing their attention mainly on Campania, neglected the more remote areas, leading Puglia to experience a phase of marginality until its annexation to the Kingdom of Italy in 1860.

UNESCO heritage and main monuments

Puglia is home to three UNESCO sites: Castel del Monte, the trulli of Alberobello and the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo. Each province offers unique places of interest, from the churches and castles of Bari and Lecce, to the Baroque heritage and ancient Greek and Roman remains that enrich the region.

Culture through museums and events

Puglia's museums, such as the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto and the Pino Pascali Foundation, offer a journey into history and art, while popular festivals and festivals reveal the liveliness of local traditions, celebrating everything from Fòcara to Novoli to Carnival of Putignano.

The rich Apulian food and wine tradition

Apulian cuisine, simple but rich in flavours, rests on the pillars of oil, wheat, vegetables and fish. From the famous Adriatic olive groves to the Tavoliere wheat fields, from the variety of fruit and vegetables to the fish richness of the coasts, each element contributes to a unique and appreciated culinary tradition, historically influenced also by Frederick II.

Typical products and artisanal excellence

Puglia shines for its DOP, IGP and TSG products, from the famous Altamura bread to extra virgin olive oil, from cheeses such as Andria burrata to fine wines. Local craftsmanship, from papier-mâché to ceramics, testifies to a deep connection with traditions and innovation.

Livestock farming and fishing: supports for the regional economy

Agriculture represents the fulcrum of the Apulian economy, with olive oil and wine as leading products. Livestock farming and fishing complete the picture of a vital primary sector, which continues to evolve while maintaining its historical roots.

A continuous journey into Apulian culture

Through its history, food and wine traditions, UNESCO sites and illustrious people, Puglia reveals itself as a region of extraordinary cultural and natural richness. A trip to Puglia is an immersion in a living heritage that continues to evolve, always keeping alive the links with its roots.