Articles - Fico Eataly World is relaunched, transformed into a real theme park

After a year of work to transform it into a real theme park, Fico Eataly World, the Bolognese food park heir to the concept of Expo Milano 2015 and symbol of the Food Valley, will reopen on 22 July 2021. In the last three years, the park has generated well 11% of all tourism landed in Bologna.

“Fico confirms its vocation as a place to tell the story of the Italian agri-food chain", explains Nicola Farinetti, CEO of Eataly Spa, in this interview with EFA News, "through themed experiences that are even more engaging and fun today. Today it presents itself as a completely renovated and unique food park in the world, ready to resume the development of that path of knowledge that is essential in the training of adults and children through paths that stimulate individuals to a greater food awareness".

The park is therefore new, with great food-themed scenery, 30 attractions, 13 restaurants, 13 street food points, 13 multimedia factories and the all-inclusive guided tour in a single 10 euro ticket, a new multisensory approach, for a park that stimulates the 5 senses, thanks to taste, olfactory, visual, sound and tactile experiences, such as the cooking courses offered, the claim is also new: the Parco da Gustare.

However, the key points of the original project have also been confirmed, which since 2017 has collected about 5 million visitors: the 60 operators of the agri-food chain, who offer good food but above all themed experiences, including large consortia such as that of San Daniele ham.

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