

The ancient splendor of Lazio: from the first populations to the magnificence of Rome

Lazio, with its enchanted landscape that extends from Mount Circeo to the green valleys, preserves the traces of its first populations. Already in the 2nd millennium BC, farmers and breeders chose this fertile land as their home, while in the 1st millennium BC, peoples such as the Aequi and the Volsci defined its cultural identity. But it is with the arrival of the Etruscans, masters of art and commerce, that Lazio begins to outline its future as a regional power. This path towards greatness found its peak with the foundation of Rome, the city that from a small settlement of shepherds would become the heart of an unparalleled empire, radically transforming the Lazio region.

Rome: from the Republic to the Empire, an unprecedented evolution

The history of Rome is that of a city which, starting from humble origins, transformed itself into a republic capable of unifying Lazio. This is just the beginning of a rise that will see it dominate Italy and then extend its empire from Europe to Africa. Rome's apogee, in the 1st century AD, saw the city surpass one million inhabitants and become a model of urban planning and engineering, with works such as roads, aqueducts and monuments that still testify to its greatness today.

From the Fall of the Empire to the rebirth under the Church

With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Lazio went through a period of decline, marked by barbarian invasions. However, from the 6th century AD, the region slowly began to recover, thanks also to the reclamation and recolonization work carried out by the monks. It was in the 8th century that the State of the Church was born, giving rise to a new chapter in the history of Lazio, which saw Rome reborn as a first-rate cultural and artistic centre, attracting artists and intellectuals from all over the world.

A priceless heritage: the monuments and museums of Lazio

Rome, the beating heart of Lazio, is an open-air museum, where every corner reveals monuments of incomparable beauty. From the imposing Colosseum to the elegance of the Sistine Chapel, passing through the ancient streets adorned with triumphal arches and basilicas, up to the treasures hidden in the numerous museums, Lazio preserves an artistic and cultural heritage that attracts visitors from all over the world.

Lazio cuisine: a heritage of authentic flavours

Lazio gastronomy, with Roman cuisine at its heart, reflects the history and traditions of a region where the meeting of different cultures has created a unique culinary heritage. From the aristocratic culinary art of Ancient Rome to popular dishes such as carbonara and amatriciana, Lazio cuisine is a journey through the authentic flavors of the territory, where each dish tells a story of simplicity and ingenuity.

Festivities and traditions: Lazio, land of ancient rites and modern events

The traditions of Lazio are intertwined with its festivities, from the medieval and Renaissance celebrations that enliven the villages, to the festivals that celebrate the typical products of the land. Events such as the Infiorata in Genzano and the Marriage of the Tree in Vetralla show how Lazio is a region where the past and the present coexist in a calendar full of cultural and gastronomic events.

Between mountains and sea: the diversified landscape of Lazio

Lazio offers a natural setting of rare beauty, with its mountain ranges alternating with fertile plains and a coast bathed by the Tyrrhenian Sea. From the peaks of Terminillo, "the Matterhorn of the Apennines", to the Aurunci and Lepini mountains, up to the richness of its lakes and rivers, Lazio is a land that invites exploration, offering breathtaking views and corners of uncontaminated nature.